November 6, 2021VAH certification for Bacoban® disinfection extendedBacoban® long-term surface disinfection "DL" (ready-to-use, water-based) has received the „VAH certification“ for another three years.
October 9, 2021Bacoban® receives registration in ItalyCCM partner for Bacoban® Unifix from Terlano (BZ) in Italy has received the registration for Bacoban® WB concentrate in Italy.
September 18, 2021Bacoban® confirmed as providing outstanding performance for at least one yearBacoban® is renowned for providing outstanding anti-pathogen protection. This performance has been confirmed by extensive testing.
August 6, 2021Bacoban® for shopping trolleysBacoban® long-term surface disinfection is optimally suited for use on shopping trolleys.
June 19, 2021New Design for Bacoban’s® NebuliserThe Bacoban® Nebuliser has been modernised and given a completely new design.
June 19, 2021purify® is Bacoban’s® new Aviation Brandpurify® is the new brand for Bacoban® technology for the aviation sector. The range includes ready-to-use solutions as well as concentrates.