Solar Panel Coatings
Photovoltaic modules produce their best yield under optimal conditions. With our special coating, the amount of light transmittance to the PV cells increases. Cleaning becomes much easier, and the cleaning cycle requirement is significantly extended. These factors lead to an increased yield of your system.
Up to 10% more output can be generated in wet weather conditions

The problem with soiling
Soiling is not only caused by leaves, tree needles or pollen, but also by dirt particles in the air. Bird droppings can be particularly unpleasant and can even cause etching on the module surface. In addition, the edges of the solar panels tend to attract heavier soiling. This soiling ranges from salt and sand build-up to moss or lichen formation; depending on the location of the panel.
In principle, soiling on the photovoltaic modules acts like shading and this reduces the yield of the photovoltaic system. Depending on the degree of soiling, this reduction in yield can amount to between 10 and 20 percent. This makes it almost impossible to generate a decent return. In addition, soiling at the edges of the PV system leads to an increased need for repair and maintenance.
Our easy to apply and highly durable PV coating offers instant benefits.

Solar panel uncoated (left) compared to coated panel (right) after three weeks

Complete Kit for PV Installations up to 70 m²
- 500 ml Biosativa® Bio-Cleaner Concentrate 1:10 for pre-cleaning
- 1.000 ml Isopropanl Alcohol 99,9% for degreasing
- 500 ml Liquid Glass Coating 5575 (for approx. 75-100 m²)
- 100 dry wipes 25 x 16 cm for pre-cleaning
- 10 micro-fibre wipes 10 x 10 cm for application
- 5 micro-fibre wipes 30 x 30 cm for polishing
- 10 one-way gloves

Complete kit for balcony solar panels up to 10 m²
- 100 ml Isopropanol alcohol 99,9% for degreasing
- 50 ml Liquid Glass Coating 5575 (for approx. 10m²)
- 5 dry wipes 25 x 16cm for pre-cleaning
- 1 micro-fibre tissue 10 x 10cm for application
- 1 micro-fibre tissue 30 x 30cm for polishing
- 2 one way protection gloves