EC World new representation for CCM cleaning products in Greece
July 8, 2011Global Sources 2011 in Hong Kong
October 1, 2011CCM and Neil McClelland re-structure the sales of Liquid Glass products
CCM GmbH in Overath / Germany has integrated the sale of Industrial Liquid Glass technologyinto its portfolio.
Until now CCM has used its worldwide distribution structure to establish the sale of consumer products, but nowCCM is using this network to supply the world with an exceptional range ofProfessional and IndustrialSiO2 coatings.
In order to ensurethe success of this project CCM has formalised a long-term agreement with LiquiGlas Ltd. (of Birmingham / UK).
The owners of both companies havealready worked together forseveral years but in the new closer co-operationthey want to combine the strengths of both organisations; these being LiquiGlas Ltd’s extensiveexperience and worldwide knowledge of the SiO²/Liquid Glass sector and CCM’s experience in bottling and marketing “Liquid Glass” consumer productson a worldwide basis.
Neil McClelland, LiquiGlas Ltd.: “In the past months we have created a truly exceptional delivery platform. This platform has been established by our working with some of Germany’s leading R+D companies. This ensures that we are able to offer the most innovative products to our clients, many of whom are world leaders in their field. We are also proud to say that many of our clients provide brands which instantly recognisable throughout the world. In essence this perfect collaboration offers us to provide Liquid Glass technology to the world at hitherto unimaginably competitive prices. Our new structure will change the marketing of SiO2 technology."
Ourimproved and enlarged website is currently under construction and we are really looking forward to our product launch in early October.