Travel Report: AgfaPhoto Cleaners in India and Dubai
March 30, 2010"Pole Position" Car Care Wipes available
April 25, 2010Changes at non flammable air-dusters
There are a lot of un-answersed questions regarding non flammable gas –here are some of the questions that have been asked.
1. Has there been a price increase for non flammable gas?
Yes, there has and unfortunatly the increase hs been quite dramatic.
2. Are there supply difficulties for this product?
Yes, this is right, Unfortunatly worldwide there are only a hand full of manufactureres left which produce the non flammable gas and all manufacturers are having the same supply problems. Aerosol fillers, who do not order this gas on a regluar basis or in low quantities are mst affected.
The good news: We have a long standing contract with the manufacturers and therefore we have no delays on deliveries.
3. Is it correct, that the Acc-U-Sol Spray heads also have extended delivery times?
Yes, this is correct, The spray heads are made in the USA and currently have a delivery time of 3-5 months.
The good news:
a. We have large quantities of Acc-U-Sol spray heads on stock.b. We can ofer an alternative spray head (see attached photo left)
4. Is it right that the markings of non flammable gas will change?
Yes, there will be a change, the new marking will be 2008/47/EG, which will be valid from the 29 April 2008 and will be put into place from the 29.04.2010.
There will be changes in the categorisation of the flammability of the Aerosols:
a. An Aerosol is classed as highly flammable when 85% of the content is flammable and it chemical burnrate is more than 30kJ/g
b. An Aerosol would be classed as non flammable when less than 1% of the content is flammable and the chemical burnrate is below 20kJ/g.
c. All other Aerosols go througth various tests to determin the flammability and the category or classed as highly flammable.
There are also a few changes with the markings. The marking
„Keep away from source of ingnition – do not smoke“ and „keep away from children“
Will be changed to the following
S2 “ Cannot be given into the hands of children“ and
S16 „ keep away from source of ignition – Do not smoke“
What does this mean for you?
We will deliver to you 1000% non flammable Air Dusters – with certification. We will also approve and check your label requirements.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at any time.