
REACh Conformity

As formulator (downstream user) of our own recipes for all our suppliers of base chemicals (substances), our company made sure that the raw materials for the applications of our products were or are registered in the REACH database.

As long as our products are used for the purpose specified by us, the registration in the REACH database is guaranteed.

The additional registration of each of our individual products is not necessary since these are finished formulations and not raw materials.

Chemical-legal conformity declaration:

CCM GmbH declares that all products marketed in the EU by CCM GmbH, i.e. substances, preparations or products, hereinafter referred to as substances, are delivered in terms of Art. 3 No. 1-3 of ordinance (EU) 1907/2006 of the European parliament and the council from December 18, 2006 (REACH) in agreement with all valid chemical-legal regulations, in particular in agreement with the REACH ordinance (EU). CCM GmbH declares that all existing obligations in connection with the registration, evaluation and authorization of substances are met.

CCM GmbH meets with respect to customers all obligations incumbent upon it for information transfer with respect to the delivered substances. Required materials safety sheets are delivered to customers by CCM GmbH.

Should CCM GmbH have information leading to a change in the categorization or labeling of the substances, or putting into question recommended risk minimization measures, then CCM GmbH will inform the customer.