
Testberichte & Zertifikate

Übersicht der offiziellen Tests für die verschiedenen Versiegelungslösungen.
Art.nr. Test gemäß Beschreibung
ISO 11507 Artificial weathering with fluorescent UV lamps + water (method A)
DIN 55620-1+2 Determination the contact angle
DIN EN ISO 11998:2008 Determination of the wet-scrub resistance and cleanability of coatings
TÜV Test on windscreens:
1) Perl effect from 40km/h
2) Easy-to-apply
3) streak-free
DIN 1249 part 12, DIN 18516, part 4, DIN EN 12150 Test flexural strength on safety glass
CCM lab Contact angle
620 DIN EN ISO 1062-3 Water absorption (on travertin)
DIN EN ISO 7783 Water vapour transmission (on travertin)
ASTM B117 Water absorption (on concrete)
AS/NZS 4456.10 Resistance against salt and chlorine attack (on sandstone)
ASTM G 154-06/2006 Accelerated aging test on Wood
  Test resistance to absorption of moisture
  Water absortion test on lime sandstone
  Stain protection testing on lime sandstone
  Application testing
628   Antimicrobial test on concrete coated with Liquid Glass additive
640 DIN 10531 Migration test (metals)
EN 1186-4 + 5 Overall migration test
Martens, Vickers Hardness test on mobile phone screens
EN 13130 Specific migration test
643 ASU B 80.30-6
Method Screening GC-MS VO(EG) 1935/2004+10/2011
Migration test on metals and plastics
671   Anti-microbial test
ASTM E 2180 Assessment of anti-microbial properties
ASTM G 154 Standard practice for operating fluorescent light apparatus for UV exposure of non-metallic materials
ASTM D 3363 Wolf Wilburn Pencil hardness test
DIN EN ISO 15184
BS 3900-E19
DIN EX 13523-4
ISO 9001 / 2008 99,99% anti-bacterial & anti-microbial for all common and known bacteria types in household due to ISO 9001 Standards
ISO 10993-1 Biocompatibility test
ISO 9001 Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial test
  Radiation test on mobile phone
673   Hardness test on glasses
675 TÜV, MSZ ISO 18593:2008 Microbiological test
TÜV, MSZ 9640/41:1983 Scratch hardness test with spring ball rod
TÜV, MSZ EN ISO 15184:2013 Pencil hardness test
TÜV, Sessile drop method Water-repellent, surface tension, contact angles
TÜV, Scratch resistant 20x20xm p80 sandpaper, 200g
TÜV, DIN 51 155 Impact test
TÜV, ICP-MS MSZ EN ISO 17294-2:2005 Metal content of the wipes
TÜV, ICP-MS + XRF RoHs screening test
ASTM D 3363 Wolf Wilburn Pencil hardness test
DIN EN ISO 15184
BS 3900-E19
DIN EX 13523-4
ISO 10993-1 Bio-compatibility test
ASTM E 2180-07
(Reapproved 2012)
Assessment of antimicrobial activity (ATCC 6538, 4352 & 15442)
  Metal ball test
ISO 9001 Anti-bacterial test
  Radiation test on mobile phone
678 ASTM D 3363 Wolf Wilburn Pencil hardness test
DIN EN ISO 15184
BS 3900-E19
DIN EX 13523-4
ISO 10993-1 Bio-compatibility test
683 DIN 38405 DE Test content fluorine
  Declaration Fluor and Fluorcarbon free
687 DIN 38405 DE Test content fluorine
  Declaration Fluor and Fluorcarbon free
704 Resinar Lab Brasil Scratch resistance on ceramics, resistance against several chemicals
BS EN 13501-1:2018 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Part 1: Classification using data from reaction of fire tests.
Test result: A1
BS EB ISO 1716:2018 Reaction of fire tests for products – Determination of the gross heat of combustion (calorific value): Gross heat of combustion (QPCS.) of 11.87 MJ/kg.
BS EN ISO 1182:2020 Reaction to fire tests for products. Non-combustibility test.
750 CCM lab Salt spray dust test
  Declaration Fluor and Fluorcarbon free
7601   Test on coated solar panels
CCM lab Contact angle
TÜV SÜD Pencil hardness test on windscreen
TÜV SÜD – MZ EN ISO 15184:2013 Scratch hardness test with spring ball rod on windscreen
TÜV SÜD – MSZ 9640/41:1983 Hydrophobic effect / contact angle
TÜV SÜD Scratch resistance on windscreen, p80 sandpaper, 800g
TÜV SÜD – Sessile drop method Water-repellent, surface tension, contact angles on windscreen (hydrophobic test)
TÜV SÜD – spectrophotometer Light absorption test (does not inhibit light transmission)
TÜV SÜD Perl effect on windscreen
TÜV SÜD Remove of ics from windscreen (easiert to rmove)
TÜV SÜD – spectrophotometer Transmittancia
  Strength-enhancing wipe on testing – mobile screens
ISO 15184:2012 Pencil hardness test
  Radiation testing on mobile phones
ISO 9001 Anti-bacterial test
SGS Pencil Hardness 9H
LNE Lab Lead Content
LNE Lab SCCP content (Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins), Alkanes, C-10-13, regarding to the Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 & 2015/2030
LNE Lab Organostannic Compounds, regarding to the Regulation (EC) N. 276/2010 amending 1907/2006 Annex XVII, 20
LNE Lab Screening test on 173 substances in the Candidate List of Substrances of very high concern for authorization published by European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) regarding Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 concerning REACh
TÜV SÜD Anti-Bacterial Test
  Contact Angle Measurement & Linear Abrasion Test (40.000 wiping actions) on Mobile Phone
ASTM E 2546
ISO 14577
Test Kratzfestigkeit (Erhöhung der Widerstandsfähigkeit einer Windschutzscheibe um 25,6%)
Beschleunigter UV-Lichtalterungstest
ASTM D 523
ASTM D 2244
Berechnung von Farbtoleranzen
und Farbunterschieden
Laboratory certification Test Schlag-Widerstandsfähigkeit
7620 DIN EN ISO 1062-3 Water absorption (on travertin)
DIN EN ISO 7783 Water vapour transmission (on travertin)
ASTM B117 Water absorption (on concrete)
AS/NZS 4456.10 Resistance against salt and chlorine attack (on sandstone)
ASTM G 154-06/2006 Accelerated aging test on Wood
  Test resistance to absorption of moisture
  Water absortion test on lime sandstone
  Stain protection testing on lime sandstone
  Application testing
7624 ISO 22197-1 Photocatalytic nitrogen oxides (NOx) removal properties of air-purifying materials
ISO 17168-4 Determination of the air-purifying performance of materials with semiconductor photocatalysts regarding the degradation of formaldehyde.
prEN 16980-1 Determination of the air-purifying effect of photocatalytically active materials and surfaces & degradation of nitrogen oxides (NOx)
DIN 19279 Photocatalytic deposition rate of nitric oxide (NO) on photocatalytically active surfaces under artificial irradiation
DIN 52980 Photocatalytic activity of surfaces
7626 EN ISO 7783-2 Water vapour permeability, Class V2
EN ISO 1062-6 CO² permeability
EN ISO 1062-3 Capillary absorption, Class III
EN ISO 1061-11 Antificial weathering, no change after 15.000 hours
BS 476 Part 7:1997 (Building Regulation 2010, Fire Safety) Fire rating, Class 1
BS 476 Part 6:1998 + Al: 2009 (Building Regulation 2010, Fire Safety) Fire propagation indes (I) = 0.0
Sub-Index = 0.0
APAS1441 APAS=Australian Paint Approval Scheme, Standard passed
7628 AATTC 174 part 1 Anti-bacterial Test
  Test of water absorption
  Test of water penetration
  Test of rapid chloride ion penetration
  Test of determination of the initial surface absorption
7641 DIN 10531 Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water
Standard BS-EN 1186:2002 Analysis of Overall Migration
DIN EN ISO 4892-2 – UV and weather resistance, accorting to ISO 7724 resp. DIN 67530 Changes of glossiness
According to ISO 4628, part 6 Binder degradation / chalking
ISO 11507 Artificial weathering with fluorescent UV lamps + water (method A)
DIN 55620-1+2 Determination the contact angle
DIN EN ISO 11998:2008 Determination of the wet-scrub resistance and cleanability of coatings
BS – EN 1186 : 2002 Migration test on coated plastic surface
Hardness test on glasses
German Food, Article and Feed Law Book, paragraphs 30 and 31 Tested parameters: Overall and partially specific migration
Investigated conditions: Migration for 5 days at room temperature with 15% ethanol, in covered state)
Result: Meets the requirements for food contacting
CCM lab Contact angle
Hardness test on glasses
7654 ASTM F 1110 Sandwich Corrosion Test
ASTM F 484 Acrylic Crazing Test
ASTM F 502 Paint Softening Test
ASTM F 519-93 Hydrogen Embrittlement Test
DIN EN ISO 11885 (E22) 2009-09 No migration of silica particles under different temperatures and simulants from LDPE plastic film
SMI Boing Certification
ISO 11507 Artificial weathering with fluorescent UV lamps + water (method A)
DIN 55620-1+2 Determination the contact angle
DIN EN ISO 11998:2008 Determination of the wet-scrub resistance and cleanability of coatings
ECO PASSPORT Oeko-Tex® Standard 100, product classes I – IV
DIN EN ISO 14419 Examination of oil resistance with help of hydrocarbons
CCM lab Contact angle
IMO / ISO Smoke and Toxicity Test
7690 DIN EN 10955 Organoleptic test
EN 13130-1 mod. Preparation specific migration
EPA 8270 D GC Screening (SVOC+ NVOC)
WBSE-26/EPA8260C GC-Screening (VOC)
TG Metals + Alloys
2013 mod.
Measurement: metal release of BgLM that
are made of metals and alloys according to
Annex II
7970 DIN EN 10955 Organoleptic test
EN 13130-1 mod. Preparation specific migration
EPA 8270 D GC-screening (SVOC+ NVOC)
WBSE-26/EPA8260C GC-screening (VOC)
TG Metals + Alloys
2013 mod.
Measurement: metal release of BgLM that
are made of metals and alloys according to
Annex II
8681 EN ISO 17050-1 Includes in ECO PASSPORT by Oeko-Tex®, Standard 100, ZDHC MRSL Conformance Level 1
EN ISO 6330 Simultation of consumer (non-commercial) behavior, “full performance (spray rating100) after 20 household washes” (lab accredited to the AATCC 22 standard).